How to work with Capricorn energy
"Learn how to interpret your birth (natal) chart and understand in more detail the zodiac signs as the sun travels throughout the year. As the sun moves through each month the changing light influences each zodiac sign. Learn where the sign of Capricorn sits in your birth chart and how to tune in and work with its cardinal nature in order to maximise your own potential and focus."
Under pressure! Capricorn is the energy that creates mountains; rocks are forming; lava is pushing its way up to the surface and breaking the earth’s crust - there is immense pressure. The forces of Capricorn encourage us to plan ahead step by step, to be sure footed in our approach, just as the mountain goat climbs the precipice. The initiatory pressure and force of Capricorn is so powerful that to wield it requires concerted self-discipline. Creating boundaries whilst reflecting on our self control helps contain this force. In order to create form, first we nurture and harbour the forces within during the winter season.
The unconquerable Sun is on its journey from the shortest day of the year (the longest night). It is this ambitious, controlled, silent and conserved energy that enables the sun to start to rise back up the wheel heading for the Lantern of Freedom in the sign of Aquarius. From the statement of Epictetus below we can see that before we can understand 'freedom' we have to understand the term 'control'.
The unconquerable Sun is on its journey from the shortest day of the year (the longest night). It is this ambitious, controlled, silent and conserved energy that enables the sun to start to rise back up the wheel heading for the Lantern of Freedom in the sign of Aquarius. From the statement of Epictetus below we can see that before we can understand 'freedom' we have to understand the term 'control'.
"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can’t control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible.” – Epictetus
In working with Capricorn, the Lantern of Self-discipline ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have a plan for the coming year?
Do you find yourself blaming others instead of taking responsibility?
How easy is it for you to create healthy boundaries?
The above questions are just three of the seven motivational questions underpinning each of the signs.
Understanding where Capricorn sits within your own natal chart will highlight the area of life that comes into focus.
To learn more contact: [email protected]
Do you have a plan for the coming year?
Do you find yourself blaming others instead of taking responsibility?
How easy is it for you to create healthy boundaries?
The above questions are just three of the seven motivational questions underpinning each of the signs.
Understanding where Capricorn sits within your own natal chart will highlight the area of life that comes into focus.
To learn more contact: [email protected]